it’s time for something to change. counseling can help.

A therapist in Tacoma, WA is smiling and holding a coffee cup.

I’m a therapist in Tacoma, WA and I help women overcome anxiety, overwhelm, and connect to themselves again.

looking for a therapist in tacoma, wa?

You’re tired of the emotional overwhelm, feeling disconnected in your relationships, and being burned out spiritually.

It’s time for you to reclaim your emotional bandwidth and be refreshed emotionally and spiritually. I’m here to help!

Below I’ve answered some of the most common questions about therapy in Tacoma, WA and online therapy in Washington state. Feel free to send me a message or give me a call if you have other questions.

If you know you’re ready to get started, schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation today to see if I’m the right counselor in Tacoma, WA to help you move forward.


answers to your frequently asked questions


How long are counseling sessions?

Sessions are 50 minutes in length. 

how often do we meet?

We will meet once a week at a recurring time slot until you reach your goals, as I have found this to be more effective than sessions every other week or once month.  With weekly momentum, you can often achieve faster progress than if you came in less frequently, and my goal is for you to see results as quickly as possible.

what are your fees?

The fee for a 50-minute session is $185. If you have out-of-network benefits with your insurance plan, they may reimburse a percentage of this cost back to you. See more below.

when do you schedule sessions?

Appointments are Monday - Thursday and are scheduled between 9-5:30pm. I do not have weekend appointments or later evening time slots at this time.  If you need a specific time, please note that in the contact form (linked here) or when you call to schedule your free 15-minute consultation. Call today at 253-365-0403.

Do you offer in-person counseling?

Yes! I have limited availability for in-person sessions on Thursdays in Tacoma, WA. Sessions are held at my office at Courthouse Square in downtown Tacoma, suite 404.

Do you offer online counseling?

Yes! I provide online counseling for residents of WA state. Online therapy appointments are available Monday through Thursday.

Studies show that online therapy in washington state can be as effective as in-person sessions, and online therapy gives you far more of a choice to work with the therapist who is the right fit for you since location is not a factor. The technology is simple to use and secure. All you have to do is click the link in your email the day of your session and you can log in from any device. Many people actually prefer the convenience of online therapy versus in-person. No commute, no parking, and therapy in the comfort of your own home!

do you work with couples?

No, I do not do couples therapy at this time, just individual counseling. But addressing your personal concerns in counseling can often be helpful in improving relationships. I often help clients address relationship stress and codependency concerns in individual sessions.

do you provide counseling for men?

Yes!   I work primarily with adult women, but I am happy to connect with anyone aged 18 or older to see if we might be a good fit to work together. 

do you work with kids/teens?

At this time I am focusing my work on individuals only, age 18 and up.

I see you offer Christian counseling, do I have to be a Christian to do counseling with you?

No! Christian counseling in Tacoma, WA is an optional service that I provide for those who are interested. While I enjoy working with clients who want to incorporate their spirituality into the work, I enjoy working with people from diverse backgrounds and belief systems. All are welcome.

how long will i be in counseling?

There are a lot better hobbies out there than doing therapy!  My goal is to help you graduate counseling as soon as you feel ready, and aim to help you reach your goals as efficiently and as quickly as possible.  Throughout our work together, we will regularly evaluate how you feel like therapy is going and if you are seeing the progress that you hoped for.  We will make course corrections as needed to keep things flowing.  The length of time you will be in therapy is something you and I can discuss openly throughout the counseling process as to what would best suit your needs.  Most of the time, I do not believe therapy needs to be a forever thing, and we can create a plan that works for you. 

how do i pay for counseling?

Payment is due at the beginning of session.  I accept credit or debit cards, including HSA cards.  I keep a credit card on file so it’s easy to pay at the time of service. If your insurance plan offers reimbursement for out-of-network services, you may be able to get a percentage of the session fee reimbursed to you. Reimbursement rates vary according to your plan, so call the 1-800 number on the back of your card and ask about your out-of-network mental health benefits.

do you take insurance?

I am what is called an out-of-network provider for most PPO plans. You can contact your insurance to verify what your out-of-network mental health benefits are according to your plan. Plans vary. Some people are able to be reimbursed a significant percentage of out-of-pocket fees, so it is worth exploring your out-of-network benefits.

To understand your out-of-network mental health benefits, I recommend calling the 1-800 on the back of your insurance card and asking these questions:

  • Do I have coverage for out-of-network mental health therapy? If so, what is it?

  • Do I have to meet a deductible before I can start getting reimbursed?

  • Do you reimburse for telehealth?

  • How do I submit superbills (a receipt for an insurance company) for reimbursement?

you’re ready to start therapy in Tacoma, wa today.

Are you ready to start therapy in Tacoma, WA? Give me a call today for a free 15-minute phone consultation to see how therapy might be able to help you break out of old cycles and jumpstart living the kind of life that you love.

