Questions to ask when looking for Christian counseling in Tacoma, WA

questions to ask to find Christian counseling in tacoma wa

 So, you want to find Christian counseling in Tacoma WA and you’ve done your Googling, you’ve asked your friends, and you’ve got a shortlist of therapists that you might be interested in working with.  How do you know who is the best Christian counselor in Tacoma WA for you? 

I know it can be overwhelming trying to find the right therapist.  I hear that from clients a lot and know it from my own experience, too.  Finding someone who has the values you want, works in the way that you want, and has availability can feel like searching for a unicorn sometimes.  

My hope is that this blog will make it a little easier to narrow down your options and find the perfect fit for you if you are looking for Christian counseling in Tacoma WA. 

Almost all therapists offer a free 15-min phone consult.  Here are some questions I suggest asking to help you find the right fit so you can get the help you are hoping for with Christian counseling. 

Questions to ask to find the right therapist for you in Tacoma WA

  •  My biggest suggestion is to call several therapists.  Finding a good therapist is a little like dating.  There are lots of options out there, and you want to feel comfortable with whoever you go with.  So take advantage of the free 15-min consultation and plan to call several.  Keep notes about what you like or don’t like about one. 

  • Ask about availability.  If someone has a 6-month waiting list and you need to find someone YESTERDAY then this can narrow down your search right away.  If you must have evening or weekend appointments, and this therapist only works 9-5 on weekdays, it’s good to clarify that up front. 

  • If you want Christian counseling, ask about how their faith plays a part in how they do counseling.  There are some differences here.  

    • “Biblical counseling” generally uses the Bible a lot in sessions and these counselors will have more likely been trained as pastors or at a theological school. 

    • “Christian counseling” is a broad term, but generally implies that the therapist has been trained in the field of psychology, which may or may not have been at a Chrisian graduate program.  They will likely have a broader education in a variety of therapy methods.  They will identify as Christian themselves and bring a Christian worldview into the therapeutic work.  However, this can vary widely.  

    • Ask more questions and share what you are looking for.  Do you want someone who will pray with you in session, or just someone who understands your upbringing or challenges you wrestle with?  Have a conversation about what you’re looking for here. 

  • The counselor will ask you a little about what you are hoping to accomplish in therapy to know if they have the expertise to help you.  Be prepared to share for 2-5 minutes about your symptoms and your goals of how you want to feel instead.  Ask if the therapist have worked with someone similar to you before and if your concerns are within their scope of practice. 

  • If the answer to that is yes, ask what their methods are of working with people, and how long the clients they work with in similar issues tend to stay in therapy.  Some therapists are more problem-focused and do what’s called “brief therapy,” which generally is 6 months or less, and others do more “depth work” that can last longer.  There are benefits to both, and it depends on what your situation and goals are as to which is best for you.  

  • If the person feels like a good match, you can ask any questions about fees, insurance, and how you can pay for therapy.  If they are not in-network with your insurance, the therapist can likely give you information on how you may still be able to utilize your insurance to get reimbursed for part of the cost of your sessions. 

  • If they are not a good fit, or if they don’t have availability that meets your needs, ask who they could put you in contact with who might be a good fit.  Therapists make referrals all the time and will likely have some names of colleagues that can help speed up your search. They may even know who of their colleagues has immediate openings if you’ve had a hard time finding people with room. 


christian counseling in tacoma wa

Give me a call if I can help you find the Christian counselor in Tacoma WA who’s right for you

I hope this helps you find a good fit for Christian counseling in Tacoma WA.  I am happy to offer any assistance if you are having trouble finding the right fit for you.   Feel free to call me at 253-365-0403 for a free 15-min phone consultation.  I’d be happy to hear a little bit about what you’re looking for and if I might be a good fit, or if I can direct you to someone who is.  If you are a woman who is wanting to work on gaining confidence, improving your relationships, and breaking free of anxiety or burnout, you can read more about how I can help here.


What to expect from Christian counseling in Tacoma, WA


How to find Christian counseling in Tacoma, WA