Destiny City Counseling

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The benefits of online therapy | How to find online therapy in Washington state

Are you looking for an online therapist in Washington state? The verdict is in, and online therapy is an effective and accessible means of working on your mental health goals from anywhere. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of online counseling.

Online therapy is as effective as in-person therapy

Covid sucks. But one good thing it gave us (other than our new sourdough baking habit and collection of sweatpants) is way more opportunities to see therapists online than in the pre-pandemic days. Now, practically all therapists offer online appointments. But is seeing a therapist online as effective as in-person?


There have been numerous studies that support the effectiveness of online therapy in a host of mental health issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more. Not only that, but studies find that patients are generally just as satisfied with online counseling as they are with in-person counseling.

According to the National Center for Health Research:

Research has found that online therapy can be effective at treating anxiety, depression, and trauma. There is no difference in patient satisfaction depending on whether therapy is online or in-person, and for either method of receiving therapy, the outcomes are better the more sessions someone attends.

Doing online therapy in Washington state means you have more selection in finding the right therapist for you

It can be hard to find the exact right therapist you are looking for. Someone who has the personality that puts you at ease, the expertise to help with your issue, and the methods that suit your needs best. Sometimes, you just aren’t able to find that person in your city. But with online therapy, that is no longer a problem. You can expand your search to anywhere in your state! Try googling your search terms and using different metro areas in your state. If you already searched “anxiety therapist Tacoma,” or “therapist for women Seattle,” try searching with different metro areas like Bellingham, Spokane, etc., or “online therapy WA state anxiety.,” etc. This will help you expand your options. You can also do this by using different zip codes on websites like or

Online therapy gives you convenience and comfort that make taking care of your mental health a little easier

It feels like there is more to be stressed about in life than ever before, and many of us have never been busier. It’s really hard to make time for the self-care things we all want to do and know we should be doing. Exercise, prepping healthy food, taking care of our mental health. It can feel impossible to fit everything in. Online therapy in WA state is a great option if this sounds like you. No parking, no traffic—you can even do sessions on your lunch break or in your office or car after work. Or you can do it from home while your child takes a nap or watches a couple epsides of Cocomelon. 😁 Online therapy makes mental health care so much more accessible for so many more people who wouldn’t otherwise have the time.

Also, some people find it easier to open up virtually as opposed to in-person. The screen can be a welcome buffer for some people that helps them let their guard down without feeling overly vulnerable. And you can have sessions from a place where you feel safe, like in your home, with your dog on your lap, a weighted blanket around your shoulders, and your favorite mug of tea in your hands if you want to.

Call today for a free consultation about online therapy in Washington state

If you’re looking for an online therapist in WA state, I would be happy to chat and see if we are a good fit! I help women to get unstuck and back on a path to feeling calm and connected to their best selves. Give me a call today for a free 15-min phone consultation.