Destiny City Counseling

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Hello! Nice to meet you!

Hello, my name is Kate Hagborg and I'm a counselor with Destiny City Counseling in Tacoma, Washington. I'm a licensed professional counselor and I work with women who are ready to get unstuck and start loving their life. I have a passion in working with women to help address dysfunctional patterns that people have just can't quite seem to break free of and they're looking to get more insight, looking for a breakthrough, looking to heal from whatever trauma from the past that might be keeping them stuck in a place that they don't want to be anymore. I help women take things to the next level in their relationships, in their self esteem, in their career, in their spirituality, and in their creativity.

As you can see in the video, I'm wearing my Tacoma sweater today, my all-time favorite sweater. I practically live in it. I absolutely love Tacoma and the name Destiny City Counseling is named after the nickname for Tacoma, and I just love that the Tacoma is known as the “City of Destiny.” And I wanted to take the idea of that into my practice because it's my absolute passion. I love helping women identify what's been keeping them stuck in the past, in the dysfunction, and the hurt and the pain; get healing at the source of that. But then, to help them look forward and ask “what does the next chapter of my story look like? What is my destiny? What does hope look like for me and all of these other areas?” So I love doing that work of both the healing side of things, but then also looking ahead and helping people find their destiny, what they're born for, why they're alive on this planet. Nothing gives me more joy than to walk alongside that journey with people.

And I think for me, this work is just an extension of a lot of the healing and breakthrough and transformation that I feel fortunate to have experienced in my life through a variety of kind of modes of healing. Counseling is one way of healing that has brought profound change in my life, and gave me a new hope and a new lease on life basically. And so it's my joy to get to walk along other people and help be a part of that change process for them too.

So I'm going to start doing some weekly video session like this called “Ask a Therapist.” So I want to know, do you have any questions that you would like to ask a therapist? It could be about relationships, anxiety, depression, codependency, spiritual burnout; basically, any emotional, relational health, psychological health. And I'd love to try to address some of that and maybe give you some resources or some things to think about. So feel free to post in the comments or send me a message on Facebook or on Instagram of any questions that you want me to address and I'd be happy to share on those things.